Metal Detector Designing the depth radius

توسط |2023-08-03T20:02:57+04:30آگوست 3rd, 2023|فلزیاب|

  The type of circuit design and the arrangement of parts and the shape of the combination of parts and the connections between parts that the designer considers at the time of design determines the position of depth and radius and this is the principle in which the designer creates a metal detector and determines the position of separation depth and radius According to scientific principles it is possible that in practice the metal detector can discriminate and separate metals especially gold in depth Of course the working and design of the metal detector circuit with the conditions of the frequency circuit according to the principles of radar with multi frequency or low frequency transmission with VDI number In Edit and Threshold the Surface and Size of the situation has its own power of separation and discrimination and the way of designing and working of the circuit of the magnetic metal detector with the magnetic detector in the emission of magnetism has its own characteristics and it is the designer’s science that determines the design of any type of metal detector or detector Separate and discriminate gold and silver and all kinds of metals in depth

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