The conditions of the movement of the Antenna Handle or Searcher Antenna or Long Range Antenna Metal Detector or the Long Range Locator in the Frequency type in the propagation of fields, the Frequency in the movement of positively charged particles in the law of molecularization in the electrostatic state is related to the Frequency that the fields move and propagate and move according to the resulting force. from the Frequency field by the circuit to the reciprocal field reflected with the field conditions determined in the orientation and movement mode settings, and in the Antenna Detector or Antenna Metal Detector or Long Range Frequency Locator, the law of the Frequency field with a positive electric charge in the electrostatic mode is dominant because the frequency is formed from energy, heat and radiation, which is formed in the circuit of the Frequency Antenna Detector for propagation, and in the Frequency Antenna Detector, the propagation is continuously moving, and the property of the Frequency is moving linearly in the flow of propagation and reflection in two opposite directions It is without any effect on the propagation compared to the reflection, or the reflection of the fields with Frequency properties on the Frequency propagation according to the principles of the Frequency Radar circuit with low Frequency does not have a distorting effect, and in the reflection of the flow of the fields, the state of the Frequency propagation resulting from the mode The Antenna detector or the Antenna Metal Detector or the Long Range Frequency Locator does not get disturbed or confused, and the Frequency Antenna detector in moving towards the fields can dominate and pass over other fields and also reflect and reflection the reflected fields according to the settings. VDI number in the Edit and Surface and Size Adjustment or settings such as Threshold Surface and Size or level and volume and other settings according to the main Target or Gold or Silver or the desired Metal should Separate the main circuit so that the separation and Discrimination process is done.