Gold surface Dowsing oral tracer

توسط |2023-12-20T23:34:27+03:30دسامبر 20th, 2023|ردیاب خوراکی|

The fact that the Dowsing does not recognize a type of target with two different size levels in the same range is one of the reasons that the Dowsing from moving the fields in static or It is used statically and does not have a Dowsing circuit and settings to distinguish between the field of targets with a small area size and a field with a large area size.

As a result the Dowsing in the main work scene do not distinguish between the gold target with a large surface and the small surface and the Dowsing to separate between the gold field with a large surface and A gold field with a small surface has a deviation in the detected lines and mistakenly recognizes a high pressure point from other resource fields as the center of the gold target and in this case Dowsing makes an error

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